Here is the revised agenda for the Bolt Action Tournament at this years CONQUEST...

To get your tickets book through: -
This is a single day event the following rules and format will apply.
The day will consist of 3, 2 hour long games.
The initial matchups are pre-organised but following rounds will follow the “Swiss system” but where possible I will try to avoid players playing on the same table or same mission throughout you day
The day goes as follows.
9.00 - 9.15 Sign in and general getting ready
9.15 –9.30 Day brief, safety brief and silliness
9.30– 11.30 Game 1
11.30- 12.30 Lunch
12.30 - 14.30 Game 2
14.45 - 16.45 Game 3
16.45 – 17.15 Score tally and award ceremony
Please ensure that you are on time as best you can, for any reason you feel you may be late or unable to attend, please call Paul on 07906 836593 to let us know so we can re arrange spots and to ensure nobody is without a partner.
Please bring a good, friendly attitude and a compulsion to have fun.
List restrictions
The list restrictions are as follows: -
Lists are to be made up of 1-2 platoons.
Theatre selector lists or Standard Platoons may be used but not mixed.
Armoured platoons may be used but not mixed with infantry platoons.
No dice restrictions apply.
Extra units from theatre books are allowed to be included in your list with the exception of the additional Brandenburgers optional rules and combat cameramen unit, also no special named characters may be included.
There are no restrictions on flame weaponry or recce units
Warplanes are not permitted but Forward Air Observers are.
Tournament will use season 2 rules including any official errata.
Lists are to be submitted via email by 22nd October 2016 to
You will be required to have you list available for your opponents to view at the event, either in paper form or in app form on a phone or tablet.
Missions and Scoring
Scenarios are as they appear in the main rulebook. The exception to this is the scoring to
allow for minor/major victories. Where a scenario has had a change, it will be written in
Scenario 1 – Meeting Engagement
Both players roll a die. The highest scorer picks a long table side and declares which if his
units (if any) are being left in reserve. This can be up to half the units in their army, rounding
down. The other player then does the same. No units are set up on the table at the start of
the game (apart from forward observers/snipers).. Any units not left in reserve form the
player’s first wave.
The objective is simple – both sides must attempt to destroy the other whilst preserving
their own forces.
First turn
The battle begins. During turn 1 both players bring their first wave onto the table. These
units can enter the table from any point on their side’s table edge, and must be given either
a run or advance order. Note that no order test is required to move units onto the table as
part of the first wave.
Game duration
Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 6,
roll a die. On a result of a 1, 2 or 3 the game ends, on a roll of a 4, 5 or 6 play one further
At the end of the game calculate which side has won by adding up victory points.
Players score 1 victory point for every enemy unit destroyed. Any units kept in reserve at the
end of the game count as destroyed.
Major victory – Score 5 or more victory points than your opponent.
Minor victory – Score 2-4 more victory points than your opponent.
Draw – Score 1 less, equal to or 1 more victory point than your opponent.
Minor loss – Score 2-4 fewer victory points than your opponent.
Major loss – score 5 or fewer victory points than your opponent.
Scenario 2 – Point defence
Both players roll a die. The highest scorer decides whether to be the attacker or defender.
The defender picks a side of the table and sets up at least half of their units in their set up
area. Their set-up area is up to 12” from their table edge. These units can use the hidden
set-up rules. Units that are not set-up to start with are left in reserve.
As they set up their force, the defender must nominate three separate objectives in his setup
zone. All objectives must be at least 6” from the defender’s table edge. In addition, all the
objectives must be at least 24” away from each other. The defenders objective markers, that
must be 25mm-40mm in diameter, signify these objectives. Objective markers must be
placed on ground level and cannot be placed in a building or on top of impassable terrain.
The attacker’s units are not set up on the table at the start of the game. The attacker must
nominate at least half of their force to form their first wave. This can be their entire army if
they wish. Any units not included in the first wave are left in reserve.
The attacker must try and capture and hold the three objectives – the defender must try and
stop them.
Preparatory bombardment
The attacker receives preparatory bombardment strikes the enemy position.
First turn
The battle begins. During turn 1, the attacker must move their fist wave onto the table.
These units can enter from any point on the attacker’s table edge, and must be given either
a run or advance order. Note that no order test is requires to move units onto the table as
part of the first wave.
Game duration
Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 6,
roll a die. On a result of a 1, 2 or 3 the game ends, on a roll of a 4, 5 or 6 play one further
At the end of the game calculate which side has won as follows.
To capture an objective there must be a model from one of your infantry or artillery units
within 3” of the objective at the end of the turn, and there must be no enemy infantry or
artillery units with 3” of it. If no unit is within 3” of the objective at the end of the turn, no
one is considered to hold the objective until it is captured using the above rules.
Major victory – Player holds 3 objectives.
Minor victory – Player holds 2 objectives.
Draw – Both or one player hold 1 or 0 objectives.
Minor Loss – Opponent holds 2 objectives.
Major loss – Opponent holds 3 objectives.
Scenario 3 – Key positions
There are 5 objectives used in this game and each objective must be 25mm-40mm in
diameter. Place 1 objective in the centre of the table. Both players then roll a die. The
highest scorer places one objective anywhere on the table. Then the opponent places an
objective, and the players continue to place objectives until all objectives are placed. All
objectives must be more than 12” from each other. Objective markers must be placed on
ground level and cannot be placed in a building or on top of impassable terrain. Once
objectives have been placed, both players roll a die. The highest players picks a long tables
sides and declares which of his units (if any) are being left in reserve. This can be up to have
the units in their army, rounding down. The other player then does the same. No units are
set up on the table at the start of the game (apart from forward observers/snipers). Any
units not left in reserve form the player’s first wave.
The attacker must try and capture and hold as many objectives as possible, whilst preserving
their own forces.
First turn
The battle begins. During turn 1, the both players must move their fist wave onto the table.
These units can enter from any point on the attacker’s table edge, and must be given either
a run or advance order. Note that no order test is requires to move units onto the table as
part of the first wave.
Game duration
Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 6,
roll a die. On a result of a 1, 2 or 3 the game ends, on a roll of a 4, 5 or 6 play one further
At the end of the game calculate which side has won as follows.
To capture an objective there must be a model from one of your infantry or artillery units
within 3” of the objective at the end of the turn, and there must be no enemy infantry or
artillery units with 3” of it. If no unit is within 3” of the objective at the end of the turn, no
one is considered to hold the objective until it is captured using the above rules.
Players score one victory point for every enemy unit destroyed. Any units kept in reserve at
the end of the game count as destroyed.
Major victory – Player holds more objectives than their opponent at the end of the game.
Minor victory – Player holds the same amount of objectives as their opponent at the end of
the game, but scores 2 or more victory points than their opponent.
Draw – Player holds the same amount of objectives as their opponent at the end of the
game, and scores 1 less, equal to or 1 more victory point than their opponent.
Minor loss - Player holds the same amount of objectives as their opponent at the end of the
game, but scores 2 or fewer victory points than their opponent.
Major loss - Player holds fewer objectives than their opponent at the end of the game.
Game scoring
Major win - 5 points
Minor win - 4 points
Draw - 3 points
Minor loss - 2 points
Major loss - 1 point
Forfeit - 0 points (opponent gets a major win)
In the event of a draw we will use the following in order to decide
The difference between the victory points/objectives for and against.
The victory points/objectives for.
The victory point/objectives against
If after this it is still a draw the players will roll a D6, with the winner choosing to either take
first pick of the prizes and no trophy, or the trophy and second pick of the prizes.