The Iconic Legion will be with us tomorrow raising money for the Chestnut Tree House, so please get a picture of a legend and give generously to a great local charity!
Friday, 26 September 2014
Warlord Games
Gambit Games would like to say a massive thank you to ...

They have been a great support to CONQUEST this year and to be fair we would have struggled to do the event with out them. They will be in the main hall with lots of great product to sell. As well as being able to answer any questions you have about any of their games.
They will also be demoing their games - so it will be a good chance to lear to play.
There are also still spaces in the Bolt Action Tournament for those that want to play.
Polar Panic
There will be a couple of new games at CONQUEST and one which is special to me as I am involved in its development is Polar Panic (working title)...

This is a game in its testing phase that is being jointly developed by Black Box and KD Games. Some of you I know have played it but it has changed over the last few weeks and we would really appreciate some honest feedback. The game has recently been tested in Germany and we will be adding some of the things that were disucessed there! If you get a chance then please have a go - it will be in the main hall next to the Black Box Stand
Thursday, 25 September 2014
The Early Bird Catches ...
Well in this case the goody bag. The FIRST 50 people that arrive at Conquest on Saturday will each get a bag with some goodies in from a variety of games...
These bags are only available to people that have prepaid for there tickets, but there are only 50 available so to make sure that you get one you will need to be there early. Remember doors open at 10am!
Stak Bots Tournament
As we have already announce there will be a STAK BOTS tournament in the evening at this years CONQUEST. In addition to the expansion set that will be given to our winner they will also get this great t-shirt...
Tickets for this tournament are available on the web site for just £2.50
Tickets for this tournament are available on the web site for just £2.50
Free Play Tables
We should have quite a few tables available for casual games at CONQUEST. These will be in the Council Chambers, Main Hall and just as you come in. You can play anything as we will have some small tables for card games, larger ones for board games, some with scenery for miniature games and even one for bloodbowl.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Chestnut Tree House
The Icon Legion will be coming along to join us at Conquest and help raise much needed funds for our chartity the Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice.
As well as a chance to have you picture taked with a super hero or iconic sci fi hero they will also be helping us to sell raffle tickets. The raffle will be draw at the end of the event and you will be able to buy tickets throughout the day.
Mario Kart
In the Council Chambers which is where the Bolt Action Tournament and the Pokemon Event is being held you will find something a thats a bit of a different pace.
In fact the faster the better, our friends from the Shoreham Pokemon League will be hosting a Mario Kart time trail.
Simply put in your best lap and see if it is good enough to be the fasted of the day. It will cost just £1 for a try and there will be a prize for whoever is the quickest on the day.
It will be available from 11am - so if you think your quick, why not prove it and have a go.
The best bit is that even if you are the slowest you will still be doing your bit to help out our charity which is the Chestnut Tree House.
In fact the faster the better, our friends from the Shoreham Pokemon League will be hosting a Mario Kart time trail.

Simply put in your best lap and see if it is good enough to be the fasted of the day. It will cost just £1 for a try and there will be a prize for whoever is the quickest on the day.
It will be available from 11am - so if you think your quick, why not prove it and have a go.
The best bit is that even if you are the slowest you will still be doing your bit to help out our charity which is the Chestnut Tree House.
Brighton Warlords
Gambit Games are delighted to have Brightons biggest and possible the oldest wargaming club present at this years CONQUEST...

Brighton Warlords which holds its regular club meeting at the King and Queen in Brighton on a Monday is coming along to run some demonstration games of Flames of War.
This easy to learn and fun to play game of Second World War Conflight can be played after a few minutes explanation although it will take a lot longer to master.
If you have played before or would like to learn the basics then make sure you pop along and see Lee or Skip. Demo games will be available from 10am through until 4pm.
Gambit Games would also like to say a big thank you to Pete and everyone from Brighton Warlords for there support with scenery for this event - in short we could not have done this without them.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Do you play MTG Commander? Do you want to?
Geek Central's Gordon Vader's is bringing commander/edh on a budget to Conquest
Do you like EDH or maybe you have never tried it but think it might be fun - if so then this is for you!
Starting from 10am up until the MTG event at 13:00 we will have some tables ready for EDH games.
Bring your own box of smash or rifle through the card that will be there and build a five colour 100 card combo tastic giant killer for just £5
Then once its ready, smash each other in a huge multiplayer mash up!
Yu Gi Oh Tournament
We are please to announce that Riddlers Game will be hosting a Yu Gi Oh Torunament at this years Conquest.
They will be running a 30 person TRADITONAL (That's right Traditional) Format 7 round tournament! Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy a great event, showing off a hell of a lot of table top games.
This will be a 7 round event. Top cut of 4 after round 5.
These will be 40 minute rounds as per usual with a 5 turn extra time constraint.
Please be aware that there are limited places of 30 to this event, it's also first come first served I am afraid. We can not hold places with out payment.
There will be a booster pool for this event. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places.
These will be 40 minute rounds as per usual with a 5 turn extra time constraint.
Please be aware that there are limited places of 30 to this event, it's also first come first served I am afraid. We can not hold places with out payment.
There will be a booster pool for this event. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places.
There will also be events for new players which will be a structure deck event. Helping new players to learn the basics and get the community growing even more!!
Also they will have a shop selling a few recnt bits and pieces
Also they will have a shop selling a few recnt bits and pieces
For more details visit there FB page :
Know Where Your Going?
For those of you that are coming along to this weekends CONQUEST, here is a plan of the venue to give you a rough idea of where things are happening.
The event time table is on the website and lists the rooms where the events are being played. It is worth pointing out that the toilets are located downstairs on the floor below (stairs are in the foyer)
All player will need to register in the foyer as they arrive, you will need your ticket number if you have pre-paid. Everyone will get a wristband once you have registered which will be red for general admission and yellow if you are playing in any tournaments. Tickets are still available online and you will be able to pay at the door but for the increased price of £10
The event time table is on the website and lists the rooms where the events are being played. It is worth pointing out that the toilets are located downstairs on the floor below (stairs are in the foyer)
All player will need to register in the foyer as they arrive, you will need your ticket number if you have pre-paid. Everyone will get a wristband once you have registered which will be red for general admission and yellow if you are playing in any tournaments. Tickets are still available online and you will be able to pay at the door but for the increased price of £10
Monday, 22 September 2014
X-Wing Tournament
As you may well know there is an X-Wing tournament being held at this years CONQUEST, here are a few of the details...
The tournament will be a Dogfight event over three rounds with 60 minutes per round. The event will start at 18:00, but players can register at any point during the day.
EVENT OFFICIALS : Kevin Hearne and Colin Capelin
Each tournament round, players will score points based on the result of their game. After the three rounds, the top point-scorer is the winner of the tournament.
Squad Building
Each player must build one squad for use in an X-Wing tournament.
The maximum squad points for each player is 100 points. A squad cannot exceed 100 points, though it may contain fewer than 100 points.
Each player may choose to field either a Rebel or Imperial squad.
Each player must submit his squad composition, including all associated Upgrade cards and total squad points, to the TO before the start of the tournament. Players must use the same squad for the duration of the tournament, including all Ship and Upgrade cards.
Each player must bring an X-Wing core set and any additional components he needs for his squad. This includes but is not limited to dice, a range ruler, maneuver templates, asteroid tokens and a complete damage deck. A player cannot bring more than one copy of each asteroid token.
Squad Deployment Procedure
The following steps must be performed before each game begins:
1. Each player places his squad outside of the play area next to his assigned player edge.
2. Both players reveal all components in their squads and assign ID tokens to any ships that have a duplicate on the same team. If both players fielded squads from the same faction, ID tokens are assigned to all ships. 3. Each player shuffles his Damage deck thoroughly and presents it to his opponent. His opponent may shuffle and cut the deck if desired.
4. Players determine initiative. Initiative goes to the player with the lowest squad point total. If both
players are tied with the same squad point total, initiative goes to the player who wins a coin toss.
5. Each player selects three asteroid tokens from his core set. Then the players take turns placing
their chosen asteroid tokens into the play area, alternating after each token is placed. The player
with initiative places the first asteroid token. An asteroid token cannot be placed within Range 1–2
of any edge of the play area or within Range 1 of another asteroid token. Players continue until all
six asteroid tokens are placed.
6. Players place their ships in ascending order of pilot skill as per standard X-Wing rules.
7. Players activate shields and prepare any special components they may need, then begin the match following the rules presented in the X-Wing Rules of Play.
End of Match
Each tournament match ends in one of the following three ways:
• All of one player’s ships are destroyed. The player with at least one ship remaining immediately earns a Match Win, and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If neither player has any remaining ships, the game ends in a Draw.
• At the end of the current round, the match time limit has been reached. Each player calculates the
total point value of his remaining ships in the play area, including Upgrade cards equipped to those
ships. The player with the highest squad point total of remaining ships receives a Modified Match
Win, and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If the winning player has a remaining squad point
total that exceeds his opponent’s total by 33 points or more, he receives a Match Win instead. If
both players have the same squad point total for their remaining ships, the game ends in a Draw.
• A player voluntarily concedes defeat at any point during the match. By conceding defeat, he receives a Match Loss and his opponent receives a Match Win. It is considered good sportsmanship to concede defeat when there is no reasonable chance for victory.
Players earn tournament points at the end of each match as follows:
• Match Win = 5 points
• Modified Match Win = 3 points
• Draw = 1 point
• Match Loss = 0 points
Breaking Ties
If players have identical win-loss records, the tie is broken based on the difficulty of their competition. If the tied players have played against each other, the player that won that match wins the tie. If they have not, “tie-breaker points” are awarded by calculating the strength of each player’s schedule by combining total match points of all their opponents. The player with the most tie-breaker points wins the tie and advances. This way, the person who played the most “difficult” games wins the tie. This procedure is also called the “strength of schedule.”
The tournament will be a Dogfight event over three rounds with 60 minutes per round. The event will start at 18:00, but players can register at any point during the day.
EVENT OFFICIALS : Kevin Hearne and Colin Capelin
Each tournament round, players will score points based on the result of their game. After the three rounds, the top point-scorer is the winner of the tournament.
Squad Building
Each player must build one squad for use in an X-Wing tournament.
The maximum squad points for each player is 100 points. A squad cannot exceed 100 points, though it may contain fewer than 100 points.
Each player may choose to field either a Rebel or Imperial squad.
Each player must submit his squad composition, including all associated Upgrade cards and total squad points, to the TO before the start of the tournament. Players must use the same squad for the duration of the tournament, including all Ship and Upgrade cards.
Each player must bring an X-Wing core set and any additional components he needs for his squad. This includes but is not limited to dice, a range ruler, maneuver templates, asteroid tokens and a complete damage deck. A player cannot bring more than one copy of each asteroid token.
Squad Deployment Procedure
The following steps must be performed before each game begins:
1. Each player places his squad outside of the play area next to his assigned player edge.
2. Both players reveal all components in their squads and assign ID tokens to any ships that have a duplicate on the same team. If both players fielded squads from the same faction, ID tokens are assigned to all ships. 3. Each player shuffles his Damage deck thoroughly and presents it to his opponent. His opponent may shuffle and cut the deck if desired.
4. Players determine initiative. Initiative goes to the player with the lowest squad point total. If both
players are tied with the same squad point total, initiative goes to the player who wins a coin toss.
5. Each player selects three asteroid tokens from his core set. Then the players take turns placing
their chosen asteroid tokens into the play area, alternating after each token is placed. The player
with initiative places the first asteroid token. An asteroid token cannot be placed within Range 1–2
of any edge of the play area or within Range 1 of another asteroid token. Players continue until all
six asteroid tokens are placed.
6. Players place their ships in ascending order of pilot skill as per standard X-Wing rules.
7. Players activate shields and prepare any special components they may need, then begin the match following the rules presented in the X-Wing Rules of Play.
End of Match
Each tournament match ends in one of the following three ways:
• All of one player’s ships are destroyed. The player with at least one ship remaining immediately earns a Match Win, and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If neither player has any remaining ships, the game ends in a Draw.
• At the end of the current round, the match time limit has been reached. Each player calculates the
total point value of his remaining ships in the play area, including Upgrade cards equipped to those
ships. The player with the highest squad point total of remaining ships receives a Modified Match
Win, and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If the winning player has a remaining squad point
total that exceeds his opponent’s total by 33 points or more, he receives a Match Win instead. If
both players have the same squad point total for their remaining ships, the game ends in a Draw.
• A player voluntarily concedes defeat at any point during the match. By conceding defeat, he receives a Match Loss and his opponent receives a Match Win. It is considered good sportsmanship to concede defeat when there is no reasonable chance for victory.
Players earn tournament points at the end of each match as follows:
• Match Win = 5 points
• Modified Match Win = 3 points
• Draw = 1 point
• Match Loss = 0 points
Breaking Ties
If players have identical win-loss records, the tie is broken based on the difficulty of their competition. If the tied players have played against each other, the player that won that match wins the tie. If they have not, “tie-breaker points” are awarded by calculating the strength of each player’s schedule by combining total match points of all their opponents. The player with the most tie-breaker points wins the tie and advances. This way, the person who played the most “difficult” games wins the tie. This procedure is also called the “strength of schedule.”
Let the games begin...
Our future world is broken. The masses are kept in line by unseen powers that wrest for dominance. Powerful figures have carved dominance out of the world’s developing technologies and theologies, by manipulating the populace and creating a series of Oligarchies. This world can’t be saved, only controlled.
Corporations have openly merged with governments and media organisations to control us. Education is being replaced with information, which can be manipulated, bought, and sold. Economics and fiscal matters are controlled to keep the population enslaved into a cycle of work and compliance through fear.
The ecologists and those of religious faith have gained power as the populace crave freedom from the oppression. Supporters rally to worship deities and mother earth in the hopes that strength in numbers and firm belief in the power of good can change the future and punish the heretical activities of governments and corporations. As always, even this power breeds corruption beneath the surface.
The military strive for nothing more than full control of any civil unrest and will protect those that fund, rather than those it was supposed to serve. We see the bolder emergence of criminal and illuminati figureheads. Some say alien influence may have heralded new developments in technology and paranormal endeavours which these factions are beginning to wield to gain yet more power.
You have struggled your entire life to carve out a piece of this dystopian future. Your power has grown to a level where you have heads of corporations, military leaders, and shadowy agents at your disposal. Those you can’t control with Power; you buy with your amassed wealth and influence. You are the leader of your own Oligarchy.
Others are attempting to stand in your way; you can feel your power slipping as they draw their plans against you. It’s clear then… they must be crushed if you are to survive. Let the games begin!
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