As you may well know there is an X-Wing tournament being held at this years CONQUEST, here are a few of the details...
The tournament will be a Dogfight event over three rounds with 60 minutes per round. The event will start at 18:00, but players can register at any point during the day.
EVENT OFFICIALS : Kevin Hearne and Colin Capelin
Each tournament round, players will score points based on the result of their game. After the three rounds, the top point-scorer is the winner of the tournament.
Squad Building
Each player must build one squad for use in an X-Wing tournament.
The maximum squad points for each player is 100 points. A squad cannot exceed 100 points, though it may contain fewer than 100 points.
Each player may choose to field either a Rebel or Imperial squad.
Each player must submit his squad composition, including all associated Upgrade cards and total squad points, to the TO before the start of the tournament. Players must use the same squad for the duration of the tournament, including all Ship and Upgrade cards.
Each player must bring an X-Wing core set and any additional components he needs for his squad. This includes but is not limited to dice, a range ruler, maneuver templates, asteroid tokens and a complete damage deck. A player cannot bring more than one copy of each asteroid token.
Squad Deployment Procedure
The following steps must be performed before each game begins:
1. Each player places his squad outside of the play area next to his assigned player edge.
2. Both players reveal all components in their squads and assign ID tokens to any ships that have a duplicate on the same team. If both players fielded squads from the same faction, ID tokens are assigned to all ships. 3. Each player shuffles his Damage deck thoroughly and presents it to his opponent. His opponent may shuffle and cut the deck if desired.
4. Players determine initiative. Initiative goes to the player with the lowest squad point total. If both
players are tied with the same squad point total, initiative goes to the player who wins a coin toss.
5. Each player selects three asteroid tokens from his core set. Then the players take turns placing
their chosen asteroid tokens into the play area, alternating after each token is placed. The player
with initiative places the first asteroid token. An asteroid token cannot be placed within Range 1–2
of any edge of the play area or within Range 1 of another asteroid token. Players continue until all
six asteroid tokens are placed.
6. Players place their ships in ascending order of pilot skill as per standard X-Wing rules.
7. Players activate shields and prepare any special components they may need, then begin the match following the rules presented in the X-Wing Rules of Play.
End of Match
Each tournament match ends in one of the following three ways:
• All of one player’s ships are destroyed. The player with at least one ship remaining immediately earns a Match Win, and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If neither player has any remaining ships, the game ends in a Draw.
• At the end of the current round, the match time limit has been reached. Each player calculates the
total point value of his remaining ships in the play area, including Upgrade cards equipped to those
ships. The player with the highest squad point total of remaining ships receives a Modified Match
Win, and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If the winning player has a remaining squad point
total that exceeds his opponent’s total by 33 points or more, he receives a Match Win instead. If
both players have the same squad point total for their remaining ships, the game ends in a Draw.
• A player voluntarily concedes defeat at any point during the match. By conceding defeat, he receives a Match Loss and his opponent receives a Match Win. It is considered good sportsmanship to concede defeat when there is no reasonable chance for victory.
Players earn tournament points at the end of each match as follows:
• Match Win = 5 points
• Modified Match Win = 3 points
• Draw = 1 point
• Match Loss = 0 points
Breaking Ties
If players have identical win-loss records, the tie is broken based on the difficulty of their competition. If the tied players have played against each other, the player that won that match wins the tie. If they have not, “tie-breaker points” are awarded by calculating the strength of each player’s schedule by combining total match points of all their opponents. The player with the most tie-breaker points wins the tie and advances. This way, the person who played the most “difficult” games wins the tie. This procedure is also called the “strength of schedule.”
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