Sunday, 31 July 2016

Bolt Action Tournament

At Conquest 3 there will once again be a Bolt Action Tournament. This time we will be starting a bit earlier at 9am and finishing a little later at 7pm, this is to allow us to have a longer lunch break which will give the players time to make the most of the trade hall at this years event.

This is a single day event the following rules and format will apply.

The day will consist of 3, 2 hour long games.
The initial matchups are pre-organised but following rounds will follow the “Swiss system” but where possible I will try to avoid players playing on the same table or same mission throughout you day.

The day goes as follows.

9.00 – 9.15am sign in and general getting ready
9.15 – 9.30 Day brief, safety brief and silliness
9.30 – 11.15 Game 1
11.15 - 13.15 Lunch
13.15 - 15.00 Game 2
15.00 - 16:00 Break
16.00 - 17.45 Game 3
17.45 - 18.00 Score tally and award ceremony

Please ensure that you are on time as best you can, for any reason you feel you may be late or unable to attend, please call Paul on 07906 836593 to let us know so we can re arrange spots and to ensure nobody is without a partner.

Please bring a good, friendly attitude and a compulsion to have fun.

List restrictions

The list restrictions are as follows: -
Lists are to be made up of 1-2 standard platoons up to 750points (no more).
Planning to use V2 of rules but keep an eye on the Facebook site for more updates.
No theatre selector lists may be used.
No Armoured platoon’s lists may be used.
No dice restrictions apply.
Extra units from theatre books are not allowed.
There are no restrictions on flame weaponry or recce units
Warplanes are not permitted, air observers are.

Lists are to be submitted via email by 8th May 2016 to

You will be required to have you list available for your opponents to view at the event, either in paper form or in app form on a phone or tablet.

Missions and Scoring

There will be a variety of missions available to play throughout the day, and each table will be host to a specific mission which shall suit the layout of the table.
The missions available are as follows.
1- Maximum Attrition
2- Demolition
3- Point defence
4- Hold until relieved
5- Breakout
6- Block busting
7- Kitty hawk down

A printout of the mission will also be placed at the table where the mission is to be played.
The scoring system is as follows.
Win – 5 points
Draw – 3 points
Loss – 0 points
Each table will have a single secondary objective, in the form of a 50mm based objective marker. Controlling the marker at the end of the mission will award the player 2 points in addition to the points gained from the win/draw. Please do not reposition this objective. There are also additional points available in the form of tertiary objectives that can be completed to increase the points from each mission. You can only claim each tertiary objective once per event and you may claim a maximum of 3 per game.

The tertiary objectives are as follows: -

Fix bayonets – destroy an enemy infantry unit with less than half the attacks than the Enemy (2:1 dice)
Focused firepower – Destroy an enemy infantry squad or artillery unit with small arms fire.
Charge! – Destroy an enemy infantry squad or artillery unit with an assault order.
Suppressive fire! - Knock out an enemy unit with pins alone (score 10 pins against a veteran unit for instance, etc.)
Sniper duel – Destroy an enemy sniper team with your own sniper team.
Panzerknacker – destroy all enemy armour on the table in a single battle.
Ram them!! – Destroy an enemy tank (tracked tank) using a tank assault with another tank.
Flatten them! - Destroy an enemy infantry unit with a tank assault.
They can’t hide! - Destroy a building with enemy units inside using either HE fire or a tank assault.
Counter battery – Destroy an enemy artillery unit using indirect fire.
Take no prisoners! - Destroy 75% or more enemy units in 1 battle.
At what cost! - win or draw a game with less than 30% or your starting units left.
Decapitation - Destroy all enemy Headquarters units in a single game.
Take it down! - Destroy an enemy plane with flak or small arms fire (air observer or warplane)
Force preservation – win or lose a game with more than 50 % of your units remaining.

Any tertiary objectives scored will be added to your primary mission and secondary mission score for a maximum of 10 points per game.
The maximum event score will be 30 points.
15 from primary missions.
6 from secondary missions.
9 from tertiary missions.
A scorecard will be provided during the morning brief and you will be expected to fill it out throughout the day and present it to the TO for score logging, please do not lose your scorecard. The scorecard will list all elements of your progress, wins/ loses and draws, secondary objectives scored and tertiary objectives achieved. You will also be required to work out the number of units destroyed. These additional scores will be used in case of a tie.

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