I thank you for your patience. Today I returned from my daring adventures in the Dark Continent to discover that a rather large consignment of the most peculiar parlour games of Far-Eastern manufacture had been delivered to yours truly. Behold the fruits of our labour!

All four decks nestled together in a bespoke wooden box for the first time ever.

That's right folks the games have arrived from Hong Kong with the game mats as well. I have been through the batch and it all looks really good. I'm especially happy with the play mats as they were really a risk, having not done any before. So now on to the next stage in the operation. I need to get these along with other rewards packed up and sent to you! Well easier said than done. Here's what needs to happen for us to wrap this project up. Firstly I need the last eleven stragglers, you know who you are, to complete your surveys. Secondly we need to complete the wooden boxes, these things can't be rushed, and I have assurances that we're on track to get everything out by the end of the month. Lastly we need to source the packing materials and get each reward wrapped up and addressed. There are 284 of you all over the globe and this makes for one complex operation. Nevertheless I believe we are on schedule and should all be proud of ourselves.
In other news, my games are going to have a new online home in the form of GhastlyGames.com, something I have thrown together and would appreciate feedback on. And I intend to showcase Ghost Hunter, all four decks, at Conquest 2016 in Shoreham on the 29 Oct, so if you're in the area and available do come and introduce yourself, or better still come and help me demo the game to new potential recruits.
The next update will go out when surveys are all complete and we are ready to dispatch your rewards. As always any comments or feedback are welcome, nay they are encouraged!
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